Meet Jen Booker, Dennis Eagle's new HR Director

8/27/2024 10:32:00 AM
Meet Jen Booker, Dennis Eagle’s recently-appointed HR Director. With just under 1000 staff, more than 20 sites across the UK and some exciting developments planned to build, nurture and develop the team in 2024, it’s set to be a significant year for the growing HR Department.

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How has your own career progressed at Dennis Eagle?

I joined the company back in 2009. At that time, there were just three of us in HR for the 550 staff. Like so many of us, I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to develop, learn and progress – as well as putting my own stamp on things. My latest move is to take on the role of HR Director. So much has changed since 2009, but the one constant is the group of fantastic people we have that put their all into this business day in, day out.


What’s been a key highlight during your time?

There are so many great things the team has achieved but one that we are particularly proud of is our wellbeing and mental health programme. In the past, mental health didn’t always get the appropriate focus, especially in manufacturing environments. We’ve really embraced it, through specific training for managers, mental health first aiders, counselling services and dedicated ‘absence and wellbeing’ staff in HR. It’s been such a positive experience for all of us. Another great achievement for the business that we have supported is the achievement of the Investors in People silver level accreditation for the whole UK business in 2022. This demonstrates our commitment to developing and supporting our people and to strive for improvement year on year.


What’s coming next?

Lots! In 2024, we’ll be focussing on leadership development for our people leaders to ensure colleagues and customers continue to receive the support and quality they love about Dennis Eagle. With the constantly changing world, we’ve also got to adapt our strategies for recruitment with a greater emphasis on making it simpler to apply, encouraging more diversity and promoting inclusivity – as well as all the benefits such an approach offers. Colleague retention is such an important part of our 2024 ambitions too, so expect to see us asking for more feedback from our people, highlighting and building on the various benefits we offer as well as further publishing career progression opportunities at Dennis Eagle. These positions are open to everyone and we really do want to encourage internal mobility across sites and departments for those that are looking for new challenges.



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Jen Booker with the HR team


It sounds like a very busy 2024, so what’s planned outside of work?

The pandemic offered an opportunity for me to explore new hobbies and interests. One I have kept up with for the past few years is running (slowly!) and trying to keep fit. I’m planning to do my second 10K in July and hopefully a half marathon in October – now it’s in Eagle Eye, I know you’ll keep me to it! 2024 is about travel too as we’ve bought a campervan, so there are some big adventures with the family that are being cooked up! #VanLife


One thing your colleagues might not know about you…

Speaking of ‘cooking up’, we are big foodies at home and create and share plant based recipes in our online recipe book called VeganEat. I am passionate about trying to make more sustainable choices for the future of our beautiful planet, and making plant based eating accessible for people, is a fun part of this.


Connect with Jen on LinkedIn.